Reflections on the Nashville Trip

Nashville is beautiful!  … and I wish I had seen more of it!  Spent most of my time at the conference in the Opryland Convention Center.  Someday would like to go back for a more touristy visit with the hubby.  Although not in July.  The humidity was a beast!

The food plan worked very well.  It was a success.  Am now in the post-mortem phase of thinking about it and lots of “I can do this part better next time” thoughts are swirling around my head.  But let me start with the things that were most pleasing:

  • Allowed enough time prior to the start of conference events to get to the grocery store.  Having the shopping list made and ready to go the moment I landed was a huge plus.
  • Because the plan was created by visualizing where I would be and what I would be doing for each meal, it was like a dress rehearsal for the trip.  It was easy to just follow the script.  No extra thinking needed which was a real stress reducer.
  • The time spent cooking was reasonable and did not consume all of my non-conference time.  This enabled me to relax.

Some of the things I would like to refine or improve for next time:

  • After so many years of cooking for a family of four, having a hard time scaling down the meals for just me.  I over-buy on food which means it gets wasted … and I really hate doing that.
  • My kitchen go bag was kind of heavy and awkward.  Will need to figure out ways to go even lighter and smaller for the next time.

“Aha” moments from this trip:

  • I eat less when I travel than when I am at home.  Not sure if this is due to a higher level of activity while travelling or is due to being a little more tightly wound (and have less appetite) while travelling.  In either case, it’s a factor to take into consideration for future food plans.
  • Being comfortable with NOT eating or drinking what everyone else is (including having nothing at all during a happy hour event) allows the other folks around me to relax and be comfortable with it too.  Not eating or drinking during events violates social norms and customs.  People feel that they are not being properly hospitable if I am not partaking of what has been offered.  However, if I display a relaxed attitude and acceptance of it, then it leads others to likewise be relaxed and accepting of the situation.

Looking forward to my next trip … Seattle with my girlie!

One Comment Add yours

  1. Becky Cutter says:

    It is awkward not to be drinking when others are so I just ask for an ice water. Then I feel like I am
    part of the group.


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